Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Complementary strands to the input ssDNA remove the header from the footer
because the input strands hybridize with their complementary DNA sequences. A
new cycle of events can start.
Another DNA-based walker that can move forward or backward on a ssDNA
track depending on the sequence of the ssDNA fuel is described in Bath et al.
( 2009 ). As for a kinesin motor, its movement is based on the coordination between
two identical single-stranded DNA feet attached to the 3 0 end of a double-stranded
spacer. The track consists of a sequence of ten nucleotide-binding domains and
six nucleotide competition regions, the feet competing for hybridization to the
competition domain. When the 5 0 end of one foot is lifted from the track as a
result of this competition, it can bind to the fuel, which initiates the next step by
a series of strand displacement, strand cutting by a nicking enzyme, dissociation,
and rehybridization to the track processes. The directional bias of the walker relies
on a ratchet mechanism determined by the preferential interaction of the fuel strand
with one of the two feet.
An example of a unidirectional DNA walker that moves along a DNA track
can be found in Yin et al. ( 2004 ), and the processes involved in a single step (two
consecutive steps are detailed in Yin et al. ( 2004 )) are illustrated schematically in
Fig. 6.10 . The track contains anchorage sites denoted by A and B on which the
six-nucleotide walker, indicated by , can bind. Initially, the walker is positioned
at A, forming the A complex. Then, anchorages A and B ligate, because
they have complementary sticky ends, form the A B molecule in an irreversible
energy-consuming process and create a recognition site for a cutting enzyme,
which cleaves the structure and transfers the walker to the anchorage site B.
The newly formed complex, B , can be transferred to another anchorage site
if the sequence of processes described above are enabled; the cutting enzymes
(endonucleases) involved in subsequent steps can be different. Backward movement
is not possible since the previous restriction site is destroyed by the cut and
a new site is created at each ligation. The energy source is the hydrolysis of
adenosine triphosphate, and the motion of the walker can be monitored by gel
DNA displacements on a DNA track can also be driven by polymerase 29,
which is an enzyme that replicates DNA or RNA templates ( Sahu et al. 2008 ). DNA
displacement from its template or cargo transport occurs in this case by extension of
a primer hybridized to the template. Transportation by polymerase-driven processes
takes place at a relatively high speed of 680 nm min 1 .
Fig. 6.10 Unidirectional DNA walker: ( a )thewalker is positioned at A, ( b )theA B molecule
is cut by an enzyme, and ( c ) the walker is positioned at B
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