Biomedical Engineering Reference
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uniform cross-section shaft of the unit ( Figure 4.11 ). Hot gas, W g , enters the
bottom of the torrefaction section at temperature, T gi , and this along with
other gaseous products leaves the top of the drying section at a temperature
T g0 . Fresh biomass, W f , enters the top of the drier at T 0 , and hot torrefied
biomass, W t , leaves the bottom of the torrefier at T t .
If the reactor volume is V r , the total particle surface area, S r , available for
heat transfer, and the reaction can be calculated for known values of the sur-
face to volume ratio S p of biomass particles and
ε p , the voidage in this
S r 5 ð 1 ε p Þ V r S p
The average value of surface to volume ratio of solid particles is the ratio
of external surface area and volume of the particles, S p 5
(A p /V p ), which is a
function of the particle shape.
Predrying Section We assume that hot gas enters its bottom at temperature,
T g 3 and leaves from the top at T g0 . The biomass enters from the top at T 0
and leaves the bottom at 100 C. Gas to biomass particle heat transfer takes
place across the log mean temperature difference, LMTD, which is given as:
5 ½ð
T 0 Þ
ln ½ðð T g 3 2 100 Þ=ð T g 0 2 T 0 ÞÞ
T g 3 2
Þ 2 ð
T g 0 2
gas overall heat transfer coefficient is U t , the heat trans-
ferred to biomass, Q ph , in the predrying section is
If the particle
Q ph 5
U t S r ; ph LMTD ph
where the subscript “ph” refers to the values in the preheating section.
The preheat section's volume, V r,ph , should be such that it accommodates
at least an amount of biomass that would give the required gas
particle sur-
face area of S r,ph . Using the relationship ( Eq. (4.29) ) between particle surface
area and volume occupied by it in this section, we can find the minimum
volume of this section of the reactor, V r,ph , as:
Q ph
U t LMTD ph 3
V r ; ph 5
S p ð
2 A p Þ
The minimum height of this section, L ph , with cross-sectional area, A r ,is
given as:
V r ; ph
A r
L ph 5
Besides the volume, there are two other stipulations for such a moving
bed system.
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