Biomedical Engineering Reference
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(A) 1 H- 15 N HSQC spectra of the disordered interaction domain of the
activator for thyroid hormone and retinoid receptors (ACTR) free
(black) and in complex with the nuclear coactivator binding domain
(NCBD) of CBP (red). 33 (B) 1 H- 15 N HSQC spectra of the disordered
interaction domain of NCBD free (black) and in complex with ACTR
(red). 33 (C) One member of an ensemble of structures of the complex
formed between ACTR and NCBD. 33
Figure 5.7
localisation sequence undergoes a binding-associated folding into two linked
helical sections, upon interacting with IkBa. 60,61 Both thermodynamic and
kinetic factors contribute in this system to the sensitivity and rapid response to
external signals.
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