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water-soluble small molecules which do not interact with the protein. In this
way the solvent is made paramagnetic and a solvent-PRE (sPRE) can be
measured. 48,50 Advantages
Measuring the relaxation time is straightforward and does not require a
complete chemical shift assignment. PRE measurements are thus amenable to
high-molecular-weight structures and otherwise difficult experimental condi-
tions (e.g., membrane proteins 63 ). The effect is far-reaching and thus does not
require close contact of interaction sites for successful measurements. It is
complementary to RDC data for inter-domain placement, since it is sensitive
to both translation and rotation, whereas RDC data is only sensitive to relative
orientation. 73 Disadvantages
If a structure is not known a priori it is difficult to guess good positions for the
spin-label. Structure-prediction methods can be used to suggest suitable
positions. 74 It can also be experimentally challenging to find suitable
conditions to attach spin-labels. PREs measure distances at large separations,
which renders them relatively insensitive to subtle coordinate errors. 73
Moreover, displacement of an atom perpendicular to the interaction vector
does not change the PRE. By placing spin-labels at different sites, however, the
resolution can be greatly enhanced due to triangulation effects. The Bottom Line
PREs are a great tool to obtain far-reaching distance restraints where other
methods fail. To obtain precise structures despite the low resolution of PREs,
they have to be combined with other experimental data or with structure-
prediction force-fields
(see previous
section). PREs
are very
popular for
elucidating the relative positions of protein domains.
4.3.4 Pseudo-Contact Chemical Shifts
Paramagnetic centres with anisotropic g-tensor component cause a contribu-
tion to the chemical shift at distant nuclei which is called a pseudo-contact
chemical shift (PCS). The PCS yields long-range distance (ca. r 23 )and
orientational restraints (up to 40 ˚ from the paramagnetic centre). 75 Close to
the paramagnetic centre, the PCS cannot be measured due to line broadening
caused by the PRE effect (see above). Unless the protein in question has a
natural metal-binding site, a spin-label has to be attached by a linker.
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