Cryptography Reference
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Fig. 5.6 AONT as a DPA and
fault countermeasure
k 0
5.5.1 All-or-Nothing Transforms
In [278], all-or-nothing transforms (AONTs) were introduced as a DPA countermea-
sure. The basic idea is depicted in Fig. 5.6 . The AONT takes the input message m and
uses the value r to generate the randomized message m .Thevalue r is random and
unknown to the adversary. Nor is it actually needed to reconstruct m from m .After
applying the AONT, an ordinary encryption of m takes place. This would be already
sufficient to counter fault attacks. However, DPA attacks can also be performed on
the ciphertext and therefore a post-encryption transformation (PET) is necessary.
The PET takes the value c and uses another pre-shared key k 0 to generate c .
A possible realization of an AONT is optimal asymmetric encryption padding
(OAEP) [30].
5.5.2 The Message Modifying Approach
Probably the most efficient approach to protect block ciphers against fault attacks is
described in [171]. It encrypts m =
r instead of m . Here, r is random but made
public together with the ciphertext. As a result, an adversary has no control over
the message to encrypt. However, m is known to the attacker and thus DPA attacks
are possible.
5.5.3 Fresh Re-keying
The third protocol-level countermeasure we look at is fresh re-keying [282]. As the
name already suggests, fault attacks are prevented by randomizing the key before
every encryption. The idea, as illustrated in Fig. 5.7 ,istouseafunction g to derive a
session key k =
. Afterwards k is used to encrypt m .Thevalue r is random,
but made public together with the ciphertext. The scheme is more expensive than
the previous one because g must be more complex than a simple XOR in order to
provide DPA security. However, in contrast to the AONT approach this scheme does
not need an additional pre-shared key.
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