Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information Impact of the Fault
To classify the impact of a fault on a variable, we can use an array whose columns
indicate the numbers of bits affected by the fault:
bit : only one bit is affected by the fault,
byte : a whole byte of the temporary result is disturbed,
word : four bytes are modified by the fault;
and whose rows indicate the kind of modification of these bits:
stuck - at : the bits are always set to the same value; typically in this case, the attacker
assumes that the fault sets all the affected bits to 0 or to 1,
flip : the bits are complemented,
random : after the fault, the value of the disturbed bits is random,
uniformly distributed random : after the fault, the value of the n affected bits is
uniformly distributed between 0 and 2 n
From a practical point of view, the number of bits affected by the fault mainly depends
on the characteristics of the component under attack. For instance, if the device has
an eight-bit CPU with a 32-bit cryptoprocessor, then if a fault occurs during a CPU
operation, it is probable that a byte of the temporary result will be erroneous, whereas
if a fault disturbs a cryptoprocessor operation, the impact of the fault will probably
affect 32 bits.
Regarding the practicality of the row characteristics, it is quite difficult to pro-
duce a uniformly distributed error. Most of the time, attacks assuming a uniformly
distributed random fault model can also be achieved by using a random fault model
with more faulty ciphertexts. Location of the Fault
This characteristic indicates on which (part of the) State the disturbance must occur.
It mainly corresponds to the ability of the attacker to synchronize the disturbance
during the execution of the algorithm. In the case of the AES, the main fault locations
are the following:
Chosen : the bits of the variable disturbed by the fault as well as the variable itself
can be chosen by the attacker,
Random on a chosen temporary variable : the attacker can choose only which
variable is affected by the fault,
Random between MixColumns of round n and round n
1: the attacker knows
only that the fault has occurred on a State between the MixColumns of rounds n
and n
Of course, the more precise the attack must be, the more difficult it is to put into
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