Cryptography Reference
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have been the foundation of many more cryptanalytic results ever since, including
attacks on linear congruential generators [147, 386], RSA signatures with constant
padding [71, 290], implementations of El Gamal signatures [302] and the numer-
ous applications of Coppersmith's techniques for finding small roots of algebraic
equations [101].
In this chapter, we present several recent examples of attacks where these pow-
erful lattice methods were used in conjunction with fault injection to break physical
implementations of cryptographic signature schemes:
against DSA (Sect. 12.3 ), an attack by Naccache et al. [300], involving the search
for the lattice point closest to a target point in space;
against the RSA signature scheme ISO/IEC 9796-2 (Sect. 12.4 ), a polynomial
attack by Coron et al. [104] based on results similar to Coppersmith's, and another
attack by Coron et al. [108] based on a rather different technique, namely the
so-called orthogonal lattice technique introduced by Nguyen and Stern in 1997 [307].
12.2 Preliminaries on Lattices
We start with some preliminary definitions and results about lattices. A reader unfa-
miliar with these notions may want to skim through this section in a first reading and
refer back to it later as needed. A similar presentation with a larger scope and more
details can be found in [303, Sect. 6].
12.2.1 Notation and Background
n endowed with its usual structure as an Euclidean vector space.
Bold letters will denote vectors, usually in row notation. If x
We will consider
= (
x 1 ,...,
x n )
= (
y 1 ,...,
y n )
are two vectors, their Euclidean inner product is denoted by
x i y i .
The corresponding Euclidean norm is denoted by
x 1 +···+
x n .
n , we define the linear span of S , denoted by span
For any subset S of
minimal vector subspace of
containing S .
n . The vectors b i aresaidtobe linearly dependent if there
Let b 1 ,...,
b m be in
exist scalars x 1 ,...,
x m ∈ R
which are not all zero and such that:
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