Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information RSA Encryption
Let m be the plaintext that will be ciphered with the RSA algorithm. Then, the
cipher operation relies on the following modular exponentiation involving the public
exponent e :
m e mod N
Here C denotes the ciphertext. After sending this ciphertext throughout a network,
the expected receiver of the message may want to recover the original message by
decrypting C . Then, this operation consists of computing
C d mod N
If no error occurs during computation, transmission or decryption of C , then we
expect to get
m mod N
One can notice that performing a decryption implies knowledge of the private key.
This ensures that only its owner, and so the expected receiver, is able to recover m . RSA Signature Scheme
As for the decryption, the RSA signature S of a message m consists of a modular
exponentiation to the power d
m d mod N
To check the validity of the received signature
, the associated public key is
used to ascertain that
S e mod N
In general, this is not really the plaintext m that is signed but a hash
m .This
operation is performed by using a hash function
such that
= H (
. Then,
m d mod N . Furthermore, the usage of a hash
function is generally combined with a padding scheme (e.g. RSA-OAEP [30] for
the RSA encryption and RSA-PSS [31] for the signature). For the different fault
attacks presented in this paper, we assume that all RSA decryptions or signatures are
performed with some hash and/or deterministic padding function.
the sent signature is
, ˙
where S
7.2.2 Modular Exponentiation Methods
Modular exponentiation is one of the core operations for implementing asymmetric
cryptography. Indeed for both RSA decryption and RSA signature schemes, one has
to compute a modular exponentiation of the input message as efficiently as possible.
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