Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
3mod9 , 3 is a valid remainder since 9
21 mod 9 , 21 is a valid remainder since 9
6mod9 ,
6 is a valid remainder since 9
where the “ x
y ” means “ x divides y ”. There is a system behind this behavior. The set
of numbers
24 ,
15 ,
6 , 3 , 12 , 15 , 24 ,...
form what is called an equivalence class . There are eight other equivalence classes
for the modulus 9:
27 ,
18 ,
9 , 0 , 9 , 18 , 27 ,...
26 ,
17 ,
8 , 1 , 10 , 19 , 28 ,...
19 ,
10 ,
1 , 8 , 17 , 26 , 35 ,...
All Members of a Given Equivalence Class Behave Equivalently
For a given modulus m , it does not matter which element from a class we choose
for a given computation. This property of equivalent classes has major practical
implications. If we have involved computations with a fixed modulus — which is
usually the case in cryptography — we are free to choose the class element that
results in the easiest computation. Let's look first at an example:
Example 1.8. The core operation in many practical public-key schemes is an expo-
nentiation of the form x e mod m , where x , e , m are very large integers, say, 2048 bits
each. Using a toy-size example, we can demonstrate two ways of doing modular ex-
ponentiation. We want to compute 3 8 mod 7. The first method is the straightforward
approach, and for the second one we switch between equivalent classes.
3 8 = 6561
7 + 2
Note that we obtain the fairly large intermediate result 6561 even though we
know that our final result cannot be larger than 6.
2 mod 7, since 6561 = 937
Here is a much smarter method: First we perform two partial exponentiations:
3 8 = 3 4
3 4 = 81
We can now replace the intermediate results 81 by another member of the same
equivalence class. The smallest positive member modulo 7 in the class is 4 (since
81 = 11
7 + 4). Hence:
3 8 = 81
4 = 16 mod 7
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