Cryptography Reference
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b. x = 17 and k E = 49
c. x = 85 and k E = 77
2. You receive two alleged messages x 1 , x 2 with their corresponding signatures
( r i , s i ) from Bob. Verify whether the messages ( x 1 , r 1 , s 1 )=(22 , 37 , 33) and
( x 2 , r 2 , s 2 )=(82 , 13 , 65) both originate from Bob.
3. Compare the RSA signature scheme with the Elgamal signature scheme. Where
are their relative advantages and drawbacks?
10.11. Given is an Elgamal signature scheme with p = 31,
= 3 and
= 6. You
receive the message x = 10 twice with the signatures ( r , s ):
( i )(17 , 5)
( ii )(13 , 15)
1. Are both signatures valid?
2. How many valid signatures are there for each message x and the specific param-
eters chosen above?
10.12. Given is an Elgamal signature scheme with the public parameters ( p =
97 ,
= 15). Show how Oscar can perform an existential forgery attack
by providing an example for a valid signature.
= 23 ,
10.13. Given is an Elgamal signature scheme with the public parameters p ,
Z p and an unknown private key d . Due to faulty implementation, the following
dependency between two consecutive ephemeral keys is fulfilled:
k E i +1 = k E i + 1 .
Furthermore, two consecutive signatures to the plaintexts x 1 and x 2
( r 1 , s 1 )
( r 2 , s 2 )
are given. Explain how an attacker is able to calculate the private key with the given
10.14. The parameters of DSA are given by p = 59 , q = 29 ,
= 3, and Bob's pri-
vate key is d = 23. Show the process of signing (Bob) and verification (Alice) for
following hash values h ( x ) and ephemeral keys k E :
1. h ( x )=17 , k E = 25
2. h ( x )=2 , k E = 13
3. h ( x )=21 , k E = 8
10.15. Show how DSA can be attacked if the same ephemeral key is used to sign
two different messages.
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