Cryptography Reference
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In step 3 the x -coordinate of the point R is assigned to the variable r .Themes-
sage x has to be hashed using the function h in order to compute s . The hash function
output length must be at least as long as q . More about the choice of the hash func-
tion will be said in Chap. 11. However, for now it is sufficient to know that the
hash function compresses x and computes a fingerprint which can be viewed as a
representative of x .
The signature verification process is as follows:
ECDSA Signature Verification
s 1
1. Compute auxiliary value w
mod q .
2. Compute auxiliary value u 1
h ( x ) mod q .
3. Compute auxiliary value u 2
r mod q .
4. Compute P = u 1 A + u 2 B .
5. The verification ver k pub ( x , ( r , s )) follows from:
x P
r mod q =
valid signature
r mod q =
invalid signature
In the last step, the notation x P indicates the x -coordinate of the point P . The verifier
accepts a signature ( r , s ) only if the x P has the same value as the signature parameter
r modulo q . Otherwise, the signature should be considered invalid.
Proof. We show that a signature ( r , s ) satisfies the verification condition r
x P mod
q . We'll start with the signature parameter s :
( h ( x )+ dr ) k E 1
mod q
which is equivalent to:
s 1 h ( x )+ ds 1 r mod q .
k E
The right-hand side can be expressed in terms of the auxiliary values u 1 and u 2 :
k E
u 1 + du 2 mod q .
Since the point A generates a cyclic group of order q , we can multiply both sides of
the equation with A :
k E A =( u 1 + du 2 ) A .
Since the group operation is associative, we can write
k E A = u 1 A + du 2 A
k E A = u 1 A + u 2 B .
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