Cryptography Reference
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In this example, the subgroup has a prime order of q = 29, whereas the “large”
cyclic group modulo p has 58 elements. We note that 58 = 2
29. We replaced the
function SHA ( x ) by h ( x ) since the SHA hash function has an output of length 160
10.4.2 Computational Aspects
We discuss now the computations involved in the DSA scheme. The most demand-
ing part is the key-generation phase. However, this phase only has to be executed
once at set-up time.
Key Generation
Z p with a bit
length of 1024, and which has a prime subgroup in the range of 2 160 . This condi-
tion is fulfilled if p
The challenge in the key-generation phase is to find a cyclic group
1 has a prime factor q of 160 bit. The general approach to
generating such parameters is to first find the 160-bit prime q and then to construct
the larger prime p from it. Below is the prime-generating algorithm. Note that the
NIST-specified scheme is slightly different.
Prime Generation for DSA
Output : two primes ( p , q ), where 2 1023 < p < 2 1024
and 2 159 < q < 2 160 ,
such that p
1 is a multiple of q .
Initialization : i = 1
Algorithm :
1 find prime q with 2 159 < q < 2 160 using the Miller-Rabin algorithm
R i = 1 TO 4096
generate random integer M with 2 1023 < M < 2 1024
M r
M mod 2 q
M r
(note that p
1 is a multiple of 2 q .)
IF p is prime
(use Miller-Rabin primality test)
2.4 RETURN ( p , q )
2.5 i=i+1
O t p1
The choice of 2 q as modulus in step 2.3 assures that the prime candidates gener-
ated in step 2.3 are odd numbers. Since p
1 is divisible by 2 q , it is also divisible
Z p thus has a subgroup of order q .
by q .If p is a prime,
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