Cryptography Reference
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1. “ p is composite” (i.e., not a prime), which is always a true statement, or
2. “ p is prime”, which is only true with a high probability.
If the algorithm output is “composite”, the situation is clear: The integer in question
is not a prime and can be discarded. If the output statement is “prime”, p is probably
a prime. In rare cases, however, an integers prompts a “prime” statement but it lies ,
i.e., it yields an incorrect positive answer. There is way to deal with this behavior.
Practical primality tests are probabilistic algorithms . That means they have a second
parameter a as input which can be chosen at random. If a composite number p
together with a parameter a yields the incorrect statement “ p is prime”, we repeat
the test a second time with a different value for a . The general strategy is to test a
prime candidate p so often with several different random values a that the likelihood
that the pair ( p , a ) lies every single time is sufficiently small, say, less than 2 80 .
Remember that as soon as the statement “ p is composite” occurs, we know for
certain that p is not a prime and we can discard it.
Fermat Primality Test
One primality test is based on Fermat's Little Theorem, Theorem (6.3.2).
Fermat Primality Test
Input : prime candidate p and security parameter s
Output : statement “ p is composite” or “ p is likely prime”
Algorithm :
R i = 1TO s
2 , 3 ,..., p
choose random a
IF a p 1
RETURN (“ p is composite”)
RETURN (“ p is likely prime”)
The idea behind the test is that Fermat's theorem holds for all primes. Hence,
if a number is found for which a p 1
1 in Step 1.2, it is certainly not a prime.
However, the reverse is not true. There could be composite numbers which in fact
fulfill the condition a p 1
1. In order to detect them, the algorithm is run s times
with different values of a .
Unfortunately, there are certain composite integers which behave like primes in
the Fermat test for many values of a . These are the Carmichael numbers .Givena
Carmichael number C , the following expression holds for all integers a for which
gcd( a , C )=1:
a C 1
1mod C
Such special composites are very rare. For instance, there exist approximately only
100 , 000 Carmichael numbers below 10 15 .
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