Cryptography Reference
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RSA Decryption Given the private key d = k pr and the ciphertext y ,the
decryption function is:
y d
x = d k pr ( y )
mod n
where x , y
Z n .
In practice, x , y , n and d are very long numbers, usually 1024 bit long or more.
The value e is sometimes referred to as encryption exponent or public exponent , and
the private key d is sometimes called decryption exponent or private exponent .If
Alice wants to send an encrypted message to Bob, Alice needs to have his public
key ( n , e ), and Bob decrypts with his private key d . We discuss in Sect. 7.3 how
these three crucial parameters d , e , and n are generated.
Even without knowing more details, we can already state a few requirements for
the RSA cryptosystem:
1. Since an attacker has access to the public key, it must be computationally infea-
sible to determine the private-key d given the public-key values e and n .
2. Since x is only unique up to the size of the modulus n , we cannot encrypt more
than l bits with one RSA encryption, where l is the bit length of n .
3. It should be relatively easy to calculate x e mod n , i.e., to encrypt, and y d mod n ,
i.e., to decrypt. This means we need a method for fast exponentiation with very
long numbers.
4. For a given n , there should be many private-key/public-key pairs, otherwise an
attacker might be able to perform a brute-force attack. (It turns out that this re-
quirement is easy to satisfy.)
7.3 Key Generation and Proof of Correctness
A distinctive feature of all asymmetric schemes is that there is a set-up phase dur-
ing which the public and private key are computed. Depending on the public-key
scheme, key generation can be quite complex. As a remark, we note that key gener-
ation is usually not an issue for block or stream ciphers.
Here are the steps involved in computing the public and private-key for an RSA
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