Cryptography Reference
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6.6. Using the extended Euclidean algorithm, compute the greatest common divisor
and the parameters s , t of
1. 198 and 243
2. 1819 and 3587
For every problem check if sr 0 + tr 1 = gcd( r 0 , r 1 ) is actually fulfilled. The rules are
the same as above: use a pocket calculator and show what happens in every iteration
6.7. With the Euclidean algorithm we finally have an efficient algorithm for finding
the multiplicative inverse in Z m that is much better than exhaustive search. Find the
inverses in Z m of the following elements a modulo m :
1. a = 7, m = 26 (affine cipher)
2. a = 19, m = 999
Note that the inverses must again be elements in Z m and that you can easily verify
your answers.
6.8. Determine
( m ),for m = 12 , 15 , 26, according to the definition: Check for each
positive integer n smaller m whether gcd( n , m )=1. (You do not have to apply Eu-
clid's algorithm.)
6.9. Develop formulae for
( m ) for the special cases when
1. m is a prime
2. m = p
q , where p and q are primes. This case is of great importance for the
RSA cryptosystem. Verify your formula for m = 15 , 26 with the results from the
previous problem.
6.10. Compute the inverse a 1
mod n with Fermat's Theorem (if applicable) or Eu-
ler's Theorem:
a = 4, n = 7
a = 5, n = 12
a = 6, n = 13
6.11. Verify that Euler's Theorem holds in Z m , m = 6 , 9, for all elements a for which
gcd( a , m )=1. Also verify that the theorem does not hold for elements a for which
gcd( a , m )
= 1.
6.12. For the affine cipher in Chapter 1 the multiplicative inverse of an element
modulo 26 can be found as
a 1
a 11
mod 26 .
Derive this relationship by using Euler's Theorem.
6.13. The extended Euclidean algorithm has the initial conditions s 0 = 1 , s 1 = 0 , t 0 =
0 , t 1 = 1. Derive these conditions. It is helpful to look at how the general iteration
formula for the Euclidean algorithm was derived in this chapter.
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