Cryptography Reference
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assured that the cipertext (and ADD ) were not manipulated in transit and that only
the sender could have generated the message.
5.2 Exhaustive Key Search Revisited
In Sect. 3.5.1 we saw that given a plaintext-ciphertext pair ( x 1 , y 1 ) aDESkeycan
be exhaustively searched using the simple algorithm:
= y 1 ,
i = 0 , 1 ,..., 2 56
DES k i ( x 1 )
1 .
For most other block ciphers, however, a key search is somewhat more complicated.
Somewhat surprisingly, a brute-force attack can produce false positive results, i.e.,
keys k i are found that are not the one used for the encryption, yet they perform a
correct encryption in Eq. (5.1). The likelihood of this occurring is related to the
relative size of the key space and the plaintext space.
A brute-force attack is still possible, but several pairs of plaintext-ciphertext are
needed. The length of the respective plaintext required to break the cipher with a
brute-force attack is referred to as unicity distance . After trying every possible key,
there should be just one plaintext that makes sense.
Let's first look why one pair ( x 1 , y 1 ) might not be sufficient to identify the correct
key. For illustration purposes we assume a cipher with a block width of 64 bit and a
key size of 80 bit. If we encrypt x 1 under all possible 2 80 keys, we obtain 2 80 cipher-
texts. However, there exist only 2 64 different ones, and thus some keys must map x 1
to the same ciphertext. If we run through all keys for a given plaintext-ciphertext
pair, we find on average 2 80 / 2 64 = 2 16 keys that perform the mapping e k ( x 1 )= y 1 .
This estimation is valid since the encryption of a plaintext for a given key can be
viewed as a random selection of a 64-bit ciphertext string. The phenomenon of mul-
tiple “paths” between a given plaintext and ciphertext is depicted in Fig. 5.9, in
which k ( i )
denote the keys that map x 1 to y 1 . These keys can be considered key
Fig. 5.9 Multiple keys map between one plaintext and one ciphertext
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