Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 9 Three time constant exponential fit of the Generalized Fung QLV model (black curves)to
the hold relaxation stress history data (gray circles). Optimum time constants were: 6.6, 61 and
611 s. a Initial strain of 0; b Initial strain of 0.0667; c Initial strain of 0.1333; d Initial strain of 0.2000
Table 3 Optimum time constants and associated slopes of piecewise linear A i functions for the
Generalized Fung QLV model. Data are presented at the final strain levels of the strain
s 1 = 6.6 s (Pa)
s 2 = 61 s (Pa)
s 3 = 611 s (Pa)
m 11 = 309
m 12 = 148
m 13 = 310
m 21 = 878
m 22 = 1072
m 23 = 1191
m 31 = 4662
m 32 = 1551
m 33 = 1948
m 41 = 11491
m 42 = 4544
m 43 = 3767
Taking into account the plastic deformation, the ramp-loading stress histories
were computed in both models and plotted against the experimental recordings
(Fig. 11 c and e). The Adaptive QLV model has a reasonable fit to the ramp stress
(maximum deviation of 2.5 Pa.) while the Generalized Fung model slightly
overestimates the ramp stress (maximum deviation of 7 Pa.). The Adaptive QLV
model predicts a ramp-loading stress history with a greater upward curvature than
does the Generalized Fung QLV. This indicates that the nonlinearity has more
significant effect during the ramp loading.
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