Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
of nanoscale molecular species in drug formulations and drug release. The
nanomaterial engineering concepts and processes are geared toward achiev-
ing the promises in improving the therapeutic effects of conventional drugs
as well as to harness the diagnostic efficacy of modern diagnostic instru-
ments. 6,50,59,77,177,312,376 Multiple NMs have been complexed to drugs and vari-
ous biomolecules with the goal of improving the diagnostic and therapeutic
capabilities for various diseases. 9,58,66,77,90,107,169,294,308,312,318,380
A section of nanopharmacology that recently emerged as a result of the ver-
satility of some NMs is the area of “theranostics” that refers to the combina-
tion of diagnostics and therapeutics. 415,416 The multifunctional capabilities of
NMs allows for a combination of detection and therapeutic functions in a single
nanoparticle. This integration can make use of imaging detection of therapeutic
delivery as well as perform informed observation to assess the treatment effi-
cacy. The NMs that are already used as imaging agents can be readily adopted
into the theranostics agents' category by loading therapeutic agents and/or
diagnostic functions on them. 2,64,65,68,116,120,143,224 Combining both the targeting
and therapeutic requirements in single specially designed and engineered NMs
brings both treatment and monitoring of treatment efficacy closer together that
will eventually bring benefit to the patient.
Nanotoxicology is a new area of study that deals with the toxicological profiles of
NMs. 12,18,24,25,31,33,44,118,133,134,146,185,186,188,246,247,322,323,325,329-331,333,335,337,339,
341,342,349,417-424 Compared with the larger counterparts, the quantum size effects
and large surface area to volume ratio brings NMs their unique properties that
may or may not be toxic to living things. 12,18,24,25,31,33,44,118,133,134,146,185,186,188,246,
247,322,323,325,329-331,333,335,337,339,341,342,349,417-424 It is nanotoxicology that will
deal with elucidating how different NMs affect living systems because inert
elements like gold can become active at nanoscale dimensions. 55,186,336,425
Nanotoxicity studies are intended to determine whether and to what extent the
properties of gold and other materials in the nanoscale dimensions may pose a
threat to the environment and to living things.
Chapter 8 is one of the most important chapters of this topic because it
focuses on the safety and toxicity of the various NMs. Governments awareness
of the possible benefits as well as the dangers of exposure to NMs from con-
sumer products have led to various guidelines worldwide. 121 Characterization
of the various properties of the NMs have been recognized as essential for the
evaluation of the possible effects on health and environmental safety.
The nanotechnology industry has shown an industrial revolution over the last
few years, a trend which is more than likely to continue into the future. Unfortu-
nately, the exponential progress in nanotechnology has exceeded the advances
of research on the impact of NMs on living systems especially on human health.
To date, we have barely scratched the lessons to learn and to comprehend the
effects of these tiny molecules on cells, tissues, and whole organisms.
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