Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
TABLE 6.3 Polymers that are Used in the Fabrication of Nerve Conduits
for Human Use
Cross-linked collagen
NeuraGen ®
NeuroMatrix ® /Neurolex ®
Poly(glycolic acid)
Neurotube ®
Cross-linked poly(vinyl alcohol) 330
or Salubria® hydrogel
SaluBridge ®
SaluTunnel ®
Poly( d , l -lactide-co-caprolactone) 304
Neurolac ®
polymers, they are biocompatible and offer excellent support for cell attachment
and functions, prevents serious immune response, supports appropriate signal-
ing to cells without the need of growth factors, and most importantly, degrade
by naturally occurring enzymes. 341,342 These natural polymers have disadvan-
tages such as batch-to-batch variance, need extensive purification and charac-
terization, and lack adequate mechanical strength and degrade relatively fast
in vivo 341,343 requiring the need to be chemically modified and cross-linked or
blended with synthetic polymers to meet the mechanical requirements.
Chitosan is a biodegradable polysaccharide obtained from N-deacetylation
of chitin to form a copolymer of D-glucosamine and N -acetyl-D-glucosamine
which can be extracted from the shells of crabs and shrimps. 341,343 It has been
used for the fabrication of nerve tubes and scaffolds because of its excellent
biocompatibility and antibacterial activity. 341-343 However, chitosan has a high
glass transition temperature and low thermal stability, and pure chitosan can-
not be melted; therefore, it has to be used in solutions. Wang et al. 344 dissolved
chitosan in trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and added methylene chloride (MC) to
prepare a chitosan/TFA/MC solution that was electrospun onto a rotating steel
use stainless (SUS) bar to form macro/nanofibrous scaffolds as the inner layer
while chitosan-acetic acid solution is dip coated on the SUS bar to form the
outer layer. This system was successfully used to immobilize laminin peptides.
More complex NCs were achieved by molding through soft lithography from
chitosan/acetic acid solution in polydimethylsiloxane molds. 334
Collagen is another natural polymer that consists of groups of 28 proteins
with the same triple helical structure as an extended rod that is stabilized by
hydrogen bonding. 341,345 Both type I and III collagen can be derived from
animal tissues such as porcine skin 336 and bovine deep flexor (Achilles) ten-
don. 346 It provides excellent biocompatibility and insignificant antigenic prop-
erties 341,343 and had been utilized to form outer tubular structures and central
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