Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
NMs have also now been used for drug formulations. A few of these exam-
ples are discussed in this chapter and more on targeted drug delivery is dis-
cussed in Chapter 5. Drugs that are formulated with polymer coated NMs and
iron oxide NMs coated with dextran have emerged as very sensitive contrast
agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Additionally, cancer drugs
have also been loaded in NPs for ease of delivery. More studies are underway
for the specific targeting of these drugs so that effect on healthy cells can be
minimized while focusing the unloading of the drugs on the sick cells such as
cancer cells. Other studies have also focused on the use of NMs for eradicat-
ing viral infections, which have been one of the most difficult challenges of
the human population during the last century and into the millennium. Several
studies have also been focused on the use of NMs for the delivery of vaccines
especially those diseases that have no existing vaccines in the market. Thus,
transforming the NMs into their water-soluble forms opened seemingly end-
less possibilities of their applications in medicine. Such applications go from
detection to treatment of various diseases that may be molecular in nature or
may be caused by infective materials. More studies toward improving success
in attachment of biomolecules on the NM surfaces or for loading of molecules
into the NMs are necessary to ensure successful incorporation of relevant and
important molecules for medical applications. The succeeding chapters will
focus more seriously on the various applications that have been introduced and
partly discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 6 focuses on the new nano-enabled medical devices that are
used in various medical applications. The medical area of nanotechnology
has been growing and has been progressively assimilated into a variety of
disciplines including neurosurgery, but this area of application is less well
characterized compared to other organ systems. 162 Recently, nanotechnol-
ogy has offered promising potential for a wide range of utilities includ-
ing new therapeutic options for glioblastoma multiforme, neurprotection
against oxidative stress, nerve nanorepair, nanodiagnosis of Alzheimer's
disease, nanoimaging with NPs and QDs, nanomanipulation of CNS with
surgical nanobots, and nanoneuromodulation with nanofibres and nanow-
ires. 162 The applications of NMs as components or as additives for various
medical devices have led to improved biocompatibility and functionality
as nanorobots, novel nanochips, and nanoimplants serving as tissue sub-
stitutes, tissue regeneration, prostheses, tissue engineering, and cell repair.
Although a majority of these applications of NMs in medicine are still in the
laboratory, a few are already in full blast clinical use. More prototypes and
more research are necessary to harness the full potential of NMs as medical
In Chapter 7, the area of focus is the application of NMs for Pharma-
cology, which has definitely been revolutionized by the coming of the nan-
otechnology era that has seen a boost at the end of the twentieth century
and toward the beginning of the twenty-first century. NMs R&D continue to
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