Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 1.2 Summary of nanomedical global sales by therapeutic in 2009-2016 ($ billions).
From BCC 226 publisher of technology market research reports based in Wellesley, Mass, 19 May
2012. (For color version of this figure, the reader is referred to the online version of this topic)
protocols for synthesis while others that are more well documented in some
other references were given an overview. There are NMs at their infancy and
require much more testing before their full potential in medicine can be real-
ized. For this reason, only a selected group of NMs that are well advanced in
their medical applications was given much attention. In addition, selected cur-
rent NM characterization techniques were included to provide an overview of
how the properties of NMs are established. Again, there are many other tech-
niques at their infancy of development that were not included in this chapter.
Instruments that are useful for NM topography, chemical composition, size, and
shape analysis techniques of particular benefit to NM characterization were dis-
cussed. For clearer and better understanding of NMs and their interactions with
biological systems for medical applications, novel high-resolution imaging and
analysis tools, which allow for easy sample preparation and in situ monitoring,
are still needed. 28
In Chapter 3, the focus is on the synthesis and conversion of NMs into
biocompatible forms in order that the physical, electronic, chemical, and
optical properties of NMs can be exploited to benefit biomolecules that are
useful in medicine. The novel and unique quantum mechanical effects lead-
ing to varied and unexpected physicochemical properties enable nanotech-
nology to provide promising solutions for nanomedicine. The NMs that have
been exploited in medicine are usually produced in organic solvents making
them hydrophobic and incompatible to biological molecules. Alongside the
organic synthesis of NMs, conversion methods into the water-soluble form
to make them biocompatible have also emerged. Various techniques such as
ligand exchange, encapsulation, and polymer coating have been developed
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