Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 1
Chapter Outline
1.1 Nanotechnology Potential
Applications and Market
1.3 Historical and future
1.4 The future of
1.2 NMs for medical applications
This chapter serves as an introduction to nanotechnology and focuses on nanoma-
terials (NMs) in particular. It will introduce the various potential applications of
nanotechnology in general and the various medical applications of NMs in par-
ticular. The chapter will also present a market analysis of nanotechnology and will
converge into the market analysis of NMs specifically in medical applications.
A summary of the various chapters of the topic will be presented individually to
have a glimpse of the contents of each chapter. In addition, this chapter will focus
on the market analysis of nanotechnology and of NMs as well as the regulatory
status and the historical perspectives. The author's view of the future of nanotech-
nology in medicine will be described.
Nanotechnology seeks to discover, describe, and manipulate the unique proper-
ties of matter at the nanoscale in order to develop new capabilities with potential
applications across all fields of science, engineering, technology, and medicine.
In the United States, the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) was estab-
lished to support the advances in nanoscale science and technology that are
predicted to have an enormous potential economic impact. Various potential
applications of NMs and nanotechnology have been touted in scientific and lay-
man press for the promises of the ability of nanoscale technology to revolution-
ize life as we know it. Outside enormous speculations and hype, the NNI can
point to current applications of NMs and nanodevices that are already impacting
our nation's commerce as well as advances that are mature enough to promise
impacts in the near future.
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