Cryptography Reference
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14.3 Approaches for Image Sharing
14.3.1 Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme
Shamir's secret sharing scheme is based on the Lagrange interpolation [2].
Given a set of points (xi, i ;y i )(i = 0; 1; 2;:::;k), the Lagrange interpolation
polynomial L k (x) can be constructed using:
k X
k Y
xx i
x j x i
f k (x) =
y i
i = 0
Given a secret, it can be easily shared using this interpolation scheme. If
GF(q) denotes a Galois field (q > n), the following polynomial is constructed
by choosing proper coecients a 0 , a 1 , , a k from GF(q), which satisfy:
k X
f k (x) = s +
a i x i
where s is the secret key. The coecients are randomly chosen over the
integers [0;q) and the details are provided in [2]. Suppose s i = f(ai),(i i ),(i =
0; 1; ;k), each S i is known as a share and they all can be delivered to
different persons.
Now we would like to reconstruct the original secret. Suppose k people
have provided their shares si, i , (i = 0; 1; ;k). The following Lagrange inter-
polation polynomial is utilized to reconstruct the original secret:
k X
k Y
aa i
a j a i
P k (x) =
s i
where addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are defined over
P k (a i ) = s i ; i = 0; 1; 2; ;k; s = P k (0);
Thus, we can obtain the original secret s [1][2].
14.3.2 Color Image Sharing Based on the Lagrange Interpo-
When an image is treated as a secret, we can share the secret based on the
Lagrange interpolation. We consider the image to be a matrix; and Lagrange
interpolation is generalized for matrices.
We assume a grayscale image corresponds to a matrix A. Given ma-
trix A i = (a i w;h ) WH , where w and h are integer (w = 1; 2; ;W; h =
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