Cryptography Reference
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For confirmation, the user has to click the black balls placed between parts of
the transaction data.
most of) the encrypted image from Alice was sent unchanged to Bob. Since
Malice does not know the position of the parts of the transactions on the
picture, any attempt to alter a part of the transaction would most likely lead
to an incorrect image, which can easily be detected by Bob. A similar version
using the segment-based method in [2] is shown in Figure 12.6 and another
similar version for mobile phones is shown in Figure 12.3. Two versions using
Cardano Cryptography, where the user has to verify the transaction consiting
of an account number by following the blue path, are shown in Figure 12.7 and
implemented in [1]. In the 1-factor confirmation case, the user has to confirm
entering the numbers along the red path; in the 2-factor confirmation case,
the user has to confirm by typing his PIN on the keyboard below according
to the permutation of the digits shown within the red-edged holes.
12.3 Trojan-Secure Authentication Using a PIN
The purpose of this section is to apply visual cryptography in a way such that
the user can enter a password to the server in a way such that the trojan is
not able to get the password.
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