Cryptography Reference
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for (each pixel B[i;j], 1 6 i 6 h and 1 6 j 6 w) do
2.1 f a 1 = R 1 [i;j]
for (2 6 k 6 n 1) do
f a k = f(R k [i;j];a k1 )
if (B[i;j] = 0) then R n [i;j] =random pixel()
else R n [i;j] = f(B[i;j];a n1 ) (= f(1;a n1 ) = a n1
output(R 1 ;R 2 ;:::;R n )
Theorem 3 declares the validity of Algorithm 5 and 6 in producing (n;n)-
Theorem 3 Given a secret binary image B,
= fR 1 ;R 2 ;:::;R n g produced
by Algorithms 5 or 6 with respect to B is a set of (n;n)-VCRG of B.
The statements in the proof of Theorem 2 can be easily applied to prove
Theorem 3. We omit the details here.
In Algorithm 5, if b = 0, r n = f(b;a n1 ) = f(0;a n1 ) = a n1 , otherwise
(b = 1) r n =random pixel( ). Consequently, we obtain
(S E [B(0)]) = 1=2 n1
by Corollary 3 and
(S E [B(1)]) = 1=2 n because all pixels in R k [B(1)]
are random pixels for 1 6 k 6 n. Regarding Algorithm 6, if b = 0,
r n =random pixel(); otherwise (b = 1), r n = f(p;a n1 ) = f(1;a n1 ) = a n1 .
Thus, we have
(S E [B(0)]) = 1=2 n since
(R k ) = 1=2 for
1 6 k 6 n, andT(S E [B(1)]) = 0 since the only condition for r 1 r 2 r n
to let through the light (i.e., r 1 = r 2 = = r n1 = r n = 0) would never
occur ( once r 1 = r 2 = = r n1 = 0, we have a n1 = 0; but b = 1 causes
r n = a n1 = 1). We obtain the following corollary.
(S k [B(0)]) =
(S E [B(0)]);
(S E [B(1)]))
(1=2 n1 ; 1=2 n ) or (1=2 n ; 0)
Corollary 4 (
= fR 1 ;R 2 ;:::;R n g is produced by Algorithms 5 or 6, respectively,
with respect to B and S E = R 1 R 2 R n .
The light contrasts of Algorithms 4{6 in point of Denition 3 are summa-
rized in Table 7.6. It is seen from Table 7.6 that among the three approaches,
the light contrast obtained by Algorithm 4 is the best.
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