Biomedical Engineering Reference
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1. E. Betzig et al., Imaging intracellular fluorescent proteins at nanometer resolution. Science
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2. E. Chung, D. Kim, Y. Cui, Y.-H. Kim, P.T.C. So, Two-dimensional standing wave total internal
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10. O. Mudanyali, D. Tseng, C. Oh, S.O. Isikman, I. Sencan, W. Bishara, C. Oztoprak, S. Seo,
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11. D. Tseng, O. Mudanyali, C. Oztoprak, S.O. Isikman, I. Sencan, O. Yaglidere, A. Ozcan,
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12. S. Seo, S.O. Isikman, I. Sencan, O. Mudanyali, T. Su, W. Bishara, A. Erlinger, A. Ozcan,
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13. W. Bishara, T. Su, A.F. Coskun, A. Ozcan, Lensfree on-chip microscopy over a wide field-of-
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14. O. Mudanyali, C. Oztoprak, D. Tseng, A. Erlinger, A. Ozcan, Detection of waterborne parasites
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15. T. Su, A. Erlinger, D. Tseng, A. Ozcan, A compact and light-weight automated semen analysis
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16. B. Khademhosseini, G. Biener, I. Sencan, A. Ozcan, Lensfree color imaging on a nano-
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17. H. Zhu, O. Yaglidere, T. Su, D. Tseng, A. Ozcan, Cost-effective and compact wide-field
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18. A.F. Coskun, I. Sencan, T. Su, A. Ozcan, Wide-field lensless fluorescent microscopy using a
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19. W. Bishara, U. Sikora, O. Mudanyali, T. Su, O. Yaglidere, S. Luckhart, A. Ozcan, Holographic
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20. S.O. Isikman, W. Bishara, U. Sikora, O. Yaglidere, J. Yeah, A. Ozcan, Field-portable lensfree
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21. S.O. Isikman, W. Bishara, H. Zhu, A. Ozcan, Opto-fluidic tomography on a chip. Appl. Phys.
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22. S.O. Isikman, W. Bishara, S. Mavandadi, F.W. Yu, S. Feng, R. Lau, A. Ozcan, Lensfree optical
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23. L.M. Lee, X. Cui, C. Yang, The application of on-chip optofluidic microscopy for imaging
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