Biomedical Engineering Reference
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The effectiveness and high fidelity of electrochemical replication
possible using this method is demonstrated in Fig. 2.12. In this case
a PFS-
-PLA template was aligned at 180
C for 35 h with an applied
field of 130 V μm
and the PLA component subsequently etched in
a 0.05 M NaOH
solution. The template is shown (Fig. 2.12a) after
electrostatic deposition of Pt metal at +0.1 V in a standard three-
electrode cell (Ag/AgCl reference electrode) and platinum wire
counterelectrode. The electrolyte was a 20 mM hexachloroplatinic
acid solution containing 20%
methanol. [78]
Preparation of free-standing platinum nanowires. (a) Cross-
sectional view of a platinum-filled template. The copolymer template was
annealed at 180
Figure 2.12
. (b) Free-
standing platinum nanowires after UV-ozone etching of supporting PFS
template. There is partial buckling of individual wires and some degree
of aggregation of neighboring wires after removal of the support. Viewing
angle is 45
C for 35 h with an applied field of 130 V μm
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