Graphics Programs Reference
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3 Shift+click to another location; notice that by pressing and holding the Shift key, you can constrain the
path to be on a 45°, 90°, or 180° angle.
4 Now, click and drag to create directional lines. As you adjust the lines, the angle and size of your
curved path is changed. Controlling these directional paths can be complicated until you understand
how to work with them. This is the focus of the next section in this lesson.
5 Choose File > Close, and choose not to save the changes to this file.
About precision creation of Pen paths
In this part of the lesson, you will open a file that you will use as a template to practice controlling direc-
tional lines and curved paths. You will start by opening the template and setting up guides.
1 Choose File > Browse in Bridge; locate the file named advps0401_start.psd and open it in Photoshop
2 Notice that the Photoshop file includes a Background layer and an active layer for you to practice your
own Pen path.
Creating guides
You will start by creating guides that will help you make sure you are creating anchor points in the right
1 Press Ctrl+R (Windows) or Command+R (Mac OS) to make sure that you can see the Rulers.
2 Click the Horizontal ruler at the top and drag a guide from the ruler down to the baseline of the arches
in the topmost shape.
Click and drag guides to help you create precise Pen paths.
3 Click and drag another guide and position it at the top of the arches.
4 Choose File > Save; in the Save As dialog box field, type advps0401_work into the File name text
field. Make sure that you are saving the file in the advps04lessons folder and keep the format as Pho-
toshop. Click Save.
Beginning the Pen path
You will now start your Pen path.
1 Start by clicking the lower-right corner of the top shape, and then Shift+clicking the lower-left corner.
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