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In-Depth Information
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Johnson, Paul. A History of the Jews. New York: Harper Perennial, 1988.
Karsh, Efraim. Arafat's War: The Man and His Battle for Israeli Conquest. New York: Grove Press, 2003.
Kimmerling, Baruch, and Joel S. Migdal. The Palestinian People: A History. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
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Laqueur, Walter, and Barry Rubin. The Israel-Arab Reader. 7th ed. New York: Viking /Penguin, 2008.
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Lozowick, Yaakov. Right to Exist: A Moral Defense of Israel's Wars. New York: Doubleday, 2003.
Makiya, Kanan. Cruelty and Silence: War, Tyranny and Uprising and the Arab World. London: Penguin,
Melman, Yossi, and Meir Javedanfar. The Nuclear Sphinx of Tehran: Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and the State
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