Graphics Reference
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With 123D Catch on Windows, you have additional editing op-
tions available. If your automatically generated files have miss-
ing sections or errors, you can use the desktop application to
edit it using the photo stitching options. To edit an existing
Catch, open the application, select Create an Empty Project,
and then log in through the application. Next, navigate to My
Corner to access, download, and edit the your scans. Refer to
the 123D Catch tutorials for more information on how to man-
ually stitch photos: .
ReconstructMe is a 3D reconstruction system that gives you a visual feed-
back as you scan complete 3D model in real time. It works with the Microsoft
Kinect (XBox and PC versions) and the Asus Xtion Pro. ReconstructMe is
Windows-only software and you need a high quality video card to make it
work. Currently there is both a free/noncommercial version and a paid, com-
mercial version of the software. ReconstructMe is excellent for scanning
larger objects, such as people, but not great for small objects with fine detail.
ReconstructMe is currently the easiest way to get quick and complete scans,
but there are a few unavoidable technical limitations that come with this type
of realtime scanning. First, ReconstructMe is Windows only, but can be run
cross platform using virtual machines or BootCamp on a Mac. You also need
a fairly high end graphics card to run the software. It is also picky about the
version of OpenCL (a computer library that can run instructions on your
graphics adapter) installed on your machine. ReconstructMe is constantly
being updated, so refer to the ReconstructMe documentation and video card
installation .
ReconstructMe QT is a graphical user interface alternative to
the ReconstructMe console application. It uses the Recon-
structMe SDK and is available in both free non-commercial
and paid versions. We were unable to get the free version
working properly, as the camera kept losing tracking and we
were unable to create a complete scan.
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