Agriculture Reference
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Once Fluffy shows good control at standing, begin working on maintain-
ing control of her from a squatting position, as this is the preferred stance for
most adult and young adult shows.
Once Fluffy has learned to stand well, you can begin switching sides. Start
out on her left side, then slide around in front of her, so you're holding her
from her right side. In the ring the judge will look fi rst at one side, then
the other side, and then front and back. You should remain facing the judge,
which requires your being able to switch sides as he moves around.
1. Entering. Typically, exhibitors are lined up outside the arena by a show offi cial. Once
the judge is ready for the class, the exhibitors enter in single fi le with their sheep.
Another show offi cial will direct exhibitors where to line up for the judge.
2. Lining up. When all exhibitors have entered the show ring, they turn their animals to
line up before the judge. In most areas of the country, the sheep are lined up with
their backsides facing the judge.
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