Agriculture Reference
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Check to see that the testicles have descended into the scrotum, then clamp
the emasculator onto the neck of the scrotum, where it joins the body, sepa-
rately on each testicle cord. Because of the high cost of this well-made piece
of equipment, you may not want to buy one for use on just a few sheep. You
might borrow it from a neighbor who has more animals or buy it in partner-
ship with another sheep raiser. After the emasculator is used, the testicles will
atrophy in 30 to 40 days.
The Elastrator can also be used for castration, when the lamb is about
10 days old and when the testicles have descended into the scrotum. These
special pliers stretch the rubber ring so you can pull the scrotum through it,
being sure both testicles are down. When the pliers are removed, the ring
tightens where it is applied, around the end of the scrotum where it attaches
to the body. The device cuts off the blood supply so that the testicles wither,
within 20 to 30 days. There is no internal hemorrhage or shock, and risk of
infection is slight. If you have problems with infection, douse the band with
iodine after about a week. In hot weather you can spray it with fl y repellent.
The Elastrator is the method we use for castrating. When you fi rst apply the
band, the lambs run around like mad for a minute or so, but then they don't
seem to be bothered by it at all.
Cryptorchid or Short Scrotum
The Elastrator ring can also be used as a means of sterilization. Extensive tests
in Australia have shown that animals sterilized with an Elastrator ring gain
weight faster, get to market faster, and have less fat and more lean meat than
castrated or uncastrated males.
The rubber Elastrator ring is used on the scrotum, but the testes are pushed
back up into the body cavity. The increased heat on the sperm results in ster-
ilization. While the male hormones are still present to increase weight gain
with more lean meat, the animal shows little or no sex activity. This method is
used at about 4 weeks of age, and the animal is called a cryptorchid (meaning
“hidden testicles”).
Although the body heat results in functional sterilization, do not use
the Elastrator ring to create “teaser” rams. After an extended period, some
develop a Sertoli cell tumor in the retained testicles, which produces abnor-
mal amounts of a female hormone that can cause feminization.
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