Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Purchase through a private-treaty sale.
Expect some kind of production and health records.
Look for animals of similar breeding.
Demand healthy-looking coats.
Demand good conformation.
Look for alert and active ewes but with relatively calm
Look for bright-eyed animals, with no discharge around the
eyes, no squinting, and no eye damage.
Examine the teeth.
Make sure the manure is solid and pelleted.
Consider your breeding goals, such as whether you want mul-
tiple births, to produce a particular type of wool or meat, or to
raise a particular breed.
Look for animals that have good body condition — not too thin,
not too fat. Especially avoid animals that seem to be consider-
ably thinner than other animals in the fl ock.
Where to Buy
Your fi rst purchases should be directly from a farmer or rancher who raises
sheep. (These sales between individuals are called private-treaty sales.) If
you're buying purebred stock, the breed association can help identify shep-
herds in your region who raise the breed that interests you. If you don't have
your heart set on a specifi c breed, ask around for references to a reputable
farmer. Veterinarians, county Extension agents, and other small-fl ock owners
may be able to give you some names of shepherds to talk to.
Don't buy from the fi rst farmer you visit; try to check out two or three
farms. Look around at each, but don't judge on the “fanciness” of the facili-
ties. Some excellent shepherds (especially if they're full-time farmers) have
old, unpainted buildings but still have excellent, healthy animals, and that's
what you're there for! Although the facilities may be old and in need of a coat
of paint, they should be fairly clean. This doesn't mean that there will not be
any manure piles around or any equipment stuck in a corner, but it does mean
that bottles of medicine, bags of chemicals, used needles, and just plain trash
shouldn't be in evidence anywhere you look. If it's been raining or snowing for
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