Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
exceptions, modifi ed live virus vaccines produce greater and longer-lasting
protection than do the inactivated (killed) virus vaccines.
Immunizing Shots
Store all immunizing supplies in a cool place, but do not allow them to freeze.
Purchase vaccines from a reputable source because if they are not properly
stored or transported before you buy them, they may be worthless.
Vaccines can be applied in a number of ways — scratching the skin, inject-
ing subcutaneously, injecting intramuscularly, and spraying into the nasal
cavity. You must follow the directions of the manufacturer or veterinarian
very carefully regarding both the dosage and the manner of administration.
Ewes and lambs are ordinarily vaccinated on the side of the breastbone (lower
chest wall behind the elbow) or on the side of the neck. Do not inject vaccines
into the armpit under any circumstances.
What shots are necessary? There is no hard-and-fast rule. Guidelines
depend on your area, the climate, the type of operation, the prevalence of
nearby sheep fl ocks, the purchasing of new animals, and the conditions under
which the sheep must be raised.
Unapproved Drugs
Unfortunately, we do not have as many options in approved drugs as other
countries, such as Australia and New Zealand, which have larger sheep indus-
tries. It is not practical for U.S. drug companies to spend time and fantastic
amounts of money to get approval of a medication for sheep, which are con-
sidered a “minor species.”
However, veterinarians can prescribe any drug that can be legally obtained
for extra-label use (that is, use for which the drug has not been specifi cally
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA]) if a legitimate
client-patient-veterinarian relationship exists. This is a crucial legal point. If
a sheep producer uses an unapproved drug without a veterinarian's prescrip-
tion, not only is such use illegal, but also the producer will be held legally and
fi nancially responsible if residues are produced and detected. Using these
drugs without your veterinarian's guidance could also prove deadly to your
sheep, as not all drugs can be safely interchanged among species. Your veteri-
narian can prescribe any needed medications and give advice on the proper
dispensing, dosing, and withdrawal times.
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