Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
The preferred location for giving a subcutaneous injection is in the
loose, hairless skin behind and below the axillary space (armpit), to
the rear of the elbow, over the chest wall.
1. Pinch a fold of loose skin.
2. Insert the needle into the space under the skin, holding the
needle parallel to the body surface.
3. Push the plunger.
4. Rub the area afterward to distribute the medication and has-
ten absorption.
Intradermal (or Intracutaneous) Injection
Intradermal injections are rarely used. The needle is inserted so close to the
surface that it can be seen through the outer layer of skin, in a site the same as
for subcutaneous administration. Injection is made slowly while the needle is
being drawn out to distribute the dose along the needle's course.
Intramuscular Injection
The best site for intramuscular injections is the neck. If possible, have an
experienced person demonstrate this method so you can see the exact place
that avoids nerves and the best cuts of meat.
With an assistant holding the sheep still, thrust the needle quickly into
the muscle. To be sure the needle is not in a blood vessel, use the technique
described for subcutaneous injection. It is usually best not to inject more than
10 mL of medication into any one spot.
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