Agriculture Reference
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instinct. Once the sheep and the guard dog have formed a strong relationship,
the sheep will seek out the dog, running to it if there is any disturbance.
Some experienced guardian dog trainers say that you should not handle,
pet, or pamper a guardian dog in any way. Others say that not only is it okay
to handle and pet the dog, but it's also important. You want a guardian that
can be caught, put on a leash, and walked on the leash when necessary. If you
never interact with the dog in a positive fashion, you won't be able to catch
it for vaccinations or medical procedures, to hold it back while the sheep are
being sheared, or to handle it in other cases when you need to. The dog should
bond to the sheep but be friendly and comfortable with you. You can create
this situation by offering praise and a pat when the dog is good.
Other Training Considerations
It is best not to try to train two pups at once, because they will be too inclined
to play and may molest the fl ock in the process. One pup alone will also bond
more readily to the sheep. If you wish to use two dogs, pairing a young dog
with an older, more experienced dog works better. In this scenario the pup is
trained by the older dog.
Because of the potentially high mortality rate and the lengthy training
needed, those who rely on guardian dogs as their primary means of predator
control should consider having a ready replacement available.
The dangle stick is a thin board or stick 18 to 30 inches (45.7 to
76.2 cm) long. It hangs from a swivel hook and chain on the dog's
collar. When the dog stands upright, the stick should hang 3 to
4 inches (7.6 to 10.2 cm) above the ground.
This device allows the dog to eat, drink, and display submissive
and investigative behavior toward sheep, but when he tries to run
(that is, chase), the stick gets tangled around his legs. The device
provides immediate discipline and prevents playful chasing. Use it
on a frisky pup for 3 to 4 weeks and then remove it in stages. First
remove the stick but leave the dangle chain, then take away the
chain when the playful behavior has stopped.
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