Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
As the number of paddocks in a fi eld increases, the time spent in each
paddock, or grazing period (in days), decreases. For example, if a fi eld
is grazed for 180 days with all animals placed in at the beginning
and removed at the end of the 180-day period, the grazing period is
180 days. Divide that fi eld into two paddocks, and the grazing period
drops to 90 days in each.
Orchards are a special class of pasture and are one of the favorites on small
farms in humid areas. The sheep can make use of the shade in summer, and if
a little care is exercised to prevent them from getting too much windfall fruit
at a time, they can also make good use of the fruit.
The fl ock should never be turned into an orchard with unlimited access
to the fruit. The sudden change in their diet can cause bloat and other health
problems, some of which may be deadly. As a rule of thumb, if there are fewer
than half a dozen pieces of fruit lying around per animal in the fl ock, you'll see
no problems. If the orchard fl oor is full of fruit, then pick up some and take it
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