Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
need to know about efficient programming, because efficient code optimizes per-
formances. Code that provides consistent performances on both high end and low
end devices can be a key factor for the success of your game!
They must excel at problem solving. Whenever a game designer depicts a game
mechanic, he is actually defining a problem for the coder to solve. The best problems
are those which don't have a single solution, so it is very important that a game pro-
grammer is solid with analysis and is able to define a set of potential solutions before
choosing the one which seems better.
As for their personal characteristics, the times of the weird, introvert guy who codes
alone in a dark room are long gone. Efficient software development and teamwork
relies on communication, it is mandatory for a good programmer to be able to meet
with the other team members to correctly address problems and define an optim-
al job schedule. As a fact, the most popular game development practices, such as
Agile development, require team members to continuously interact with each other.
A programmer should also be in constant thirst for knowledge. The coders with 30
years experience will tell you that they are still learning, for game programming never
reaches its end point: new technologies arise, new methodologies become popular,
and new languages become available. Most of all, when something is new, it is very
likely that no one can help you to understand it. You need to become a disciplined
self-learner if you want to be a cutting edge programmer!
More about videogame programming and the role of game programmer can be found
at the following link:
game_programming_an_introduction.php .
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