Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Image editors : These are necessary as well to create schemes, fake screen-
shots, basic level sketches, and any other reference image that can be help-
ful to convey the idea the designer has in mind. A design document with no
images is not a good one.
It is also very likely that the game designer is required to create the so-called white
boxes for the game levels, at least the main ones. In such cases, the ability to use
3D modeling software to create geometries becomes very important, as well as an
advanced knowledge of the most popular game engines to create basic terrains and
the relevant geometry of a game level.
The practices of game design
In a small team, the designer can be accounted for practically implementing the spe-
cific aspects of a game. Depending on his/her background, he can help the program-
mer with additional coding and scripting, he can be in charge of level design or help
the artists with graphic assets, he can take care of updating a developer's blog for the
project for communication purposes, and he is responsible for designing and man-
aging testing sessions of the game during its development.
Being in charge of so many different tasks, a game designer needs many other skills
to accomplish all of them. Some of these skills are acquired during high school stud-
ies, while others require academic studies or experience coming from confronting
specific working situations, so it takes time to develop them.
Communication : The number one most important skill for a game designer
is communication. Being able to talk to a programmer, artist, writer, tester,
sound designer, producer, marketer, and financier in a way they each under-
stand is crucial to the success of your project.
Technical writing : Formal technical writing skills are also very important for
the game designer. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are essential for cre-
ating a clear design document. The design document is the source your team
will go to when they have questions. Keeping it easy to read and up to date
is crucial for the success of your project.
Drawing : A designer should be able to draw at least a bit. Mocking up
screens is essential for the design document. Knowing how to use Pho-
toshop and/or Visio will aid the designer greatly. A picture is worth a thousand
words, especially in game design.
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