Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The pitch document must capture the attention of its audience with catchy phrases,
nice images, and clear concepts. It must provide detailed information about the
gameplay of the title and explain why the game is fun to play. It must declare what
the target audience of the title is, its competitors and references, and what puts this
game above them.
Finally, the pitch document estimates the number of assets required to develop the
game and the people required to make them, it provides the expected cost for the
production, and explains its marketing strategy.
Based on our personal experience, we the authors consider that a pitch document
should contain at least three main sections. As for the content of each section, we
provide some references here, and then we suggest you to be wise and try to de-
scribe your game in the way it flows most naturally!
The first section is what we call The concept and answers the questions such as
what is this game? Where does its idea come from?
The second section we call Game mechanics and should answer the questions
such as how does this game work? How is it played?
The third and the last section is called Tech and answers the questions such as what
do you need to make this game? How much will it cost?
Importance of pitching
Pitching a game does not only have to do with convincing a potential investor that
you can make the game and that the game is worth making.
The practice of pitching is also a fundamental step for any game designer to learn to
think about games from a true development perspective. By answering the questions
posed by the pitch document, a designer leaves the field of "I have a nice idea for
a game" and enters that of "I will spend the coming months developing a game like
this, and with the collaboration of my team, we will produce a product that will meet
or beat our expectations".
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