Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Create a new JavaScript in the Scripts folder, name it ControlPLBullet
and open it in MonoDevelop .
2. This script contains instructions for the Update() function and the OnTrig-
gerEnter() function to check for collisions between the bullet and the ali-
ens, their bullets and the barriers positioned between the player's ship and
the swarm.
3. The Update() function takes care of making the bullet move up and eventu-
ally destroys it in case nothing is hit, so that the player can shoot again. The
following code is to be typed into the Update() function:
function Update () {
//move bullet up once created 2
//Y=100 defines upper screen limit
//destroy bullet as it goes
outside the upper
//screen limit
//once the bullet is destroyed,
allow the player
//to shoot again
4. In the OnTriggerEnter() function we check what the bullet collides with
and then destroy both:
function OnTriggerEnter(other:Collider)
//the bullet collides with aliens
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