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Scripting languages
Scripting languages are programming languages used to create programs that run in
another software application. They are usually interpreted from source code or byte-
code, while the environment in which they run is programmed with a compiled pro-
gramming language such as C++. This is a way to prevent scripts from causing fatal
errors, since users cannot access the original source code or modify it.
Generally speaking, scripting languages are easier and faster to pick up, when com-
pared to true programming languages, thanks to the implementation of a simpler syn-
There are several kinds of scripting languages; some are domain specific, with very
specific design and implementation goals while others address more general pur-
poses. Scripting languages are usually meant to automate a specific set of actions;
many popular software packages offer internal scripting languages to perform user
actions. For example, 3D Studio Max, Maya, or Blender have an internal scripting
language to program so-called macros that automate operations available in the soft-
ware environment. Scripting, in this case, is a way to save time when the user has to
carry out repetitive operations.
With regard to the scope of this topic, we discuss scripting languages as programming
languages supported by game engines such as Unity, UDK, Corona SDK, and so on.
They are used to program the game logic, the behavior of game objects, the user in-
terface, and any other aspect involved in the creation of the gameplay inside a specif-
ic game engine. ActionScript, JavaScript, UnrealScript, and LUA are the examples of
scripting languages that are supported by popular game engines.
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