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Protein profile of isolated lipid droplets (LDs) from three species. Proteins extracted from
isolated LDs (LD), total membrane (TM), cytosol (Cyto), and post nuclear supernatant (PNS)
fractions of RHA 1 (A), Caenorhabditis elegans (B), CHO K2 (C) are loaded by equal amount
and separated in SDS-PAGE and stained by Colloidal blue (A and B) or silver staining kit (C).
LDs and PNS are obtained using methods described in Section 3 . TM and Cyto are prepared
and described in previous studies. Briefly, 1 ml PNS is placed in a 9.5
38 mm
microfuge tube and centrifuged at 345,287
g for 10 min in a Beckman Optima Max
ultracentrifuge using a TLA 100.3 rotor at 4 C. The middle part of clean solution is collected
as Cyto fraction and the pellet is treated as TM fraction. Cyto fraction is directly mixed with 2
SDS sample buffer. TM pellet is washed twice with 1 ml Buffer B, and proteins are
precipitated by 7.2% trichloroacetic acid, washed with 1 ml 100% acetone three times,
and dissolved in SDS sample buffer.
(A) is reproduced from Ding et al. (2012) . (B) is reproduced from Zhang et al. (2012) . (C) is reproduced
from Bartz, Zehmer, et al. (2007) .
g in the SW40 tube.
1.1.9 LDs are then collected from the top of the gradient.
Note : RHA 1 is usually passed through the French pressure cell three
times in order to homogenize the cells efficiently.
1.2 C. elegans ( Fig. 1.1 B, C. elegans )
1.2.1 4
1.1.8 The gradient is centrifuged at 256,136
10 5 worms are washed off from the NGM plates.
1.2.2 The worms are pelleted by centrifugation at 1000
g to remove
contamination of bacteria (i.e., E. coli food source).
1.2.3 Repeat steps 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 thrice.
1.2.4 The worms are washed twice with Buffer A and further
suspended in the Buffer A.
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