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bers who, together with the Unidad de Proyecto
del R´o Salado (Ministry of PublicWorks of Buenos
Aires) gave generously of their insights and exper-
tise to the worthy cause of reducing the adverse
social and economic impacts of floods and
droughts in the R ´ o Salado Basin.
manageable. However, it was demonstrated that
using MODFLOW alone to generate FPMs could
generate only a first approximation of the extent of
flooding andwas incapable of correctly simulating
the depth of water on the surface.
The research further revealed that in low-lying
areas groundwater heads predicted byMODFLOW
are strongly influenced by evapotranspiration
from the saturated zone and, to a lesser degree,
the elevationof the ground surface. This is the case
because the fact that horizontal fluxes are negli-
gible makes the modelled groundwater profile
more sensitive to changes in the input hydrolog-
ical stresses and less sensitive to trends in the
elevation of the ground surface.
Local modelling in a test area of the Northwest
Region, using a fully coupled model (iSISMOD),
demonstrated the justification for expending the
additional resources necessary to model the deli-
cate interplay between hydrometeorological stres-
ses, groundwater heads and geomorphic features
that is responsible for extensive and prolonged
flooding associated with GW-SW interaction in
a large, lowland basin.
The overall conclusion to be drawn from appli-
cation of the proposed FCMS is that the modelling
strategies it supports are capable of integrating
key conceptual, technical andmodelling activities
in a way that supports systematic screening of
issues during the early stages of a project, design
of an appropriate modelling strategy during the
middle stages of a project and, hence, efficient
and justifiable deployment of resources to support
the development of an integrated catchment flood
risk management plan at the conclusion of a
Acreman, M. and Adams, B. (1999) Low Flows, Ground-
water and Wetland Interactions. Institute of Hydrol-
ogy, Wallingford, UK.
AEE (1990) Plan de Manejo de los Excedentes H´dricos
del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires [Flood
management plan for the Northwest area of Buenos
Aires - Report on mathematical modelling of the
north-west area]. Unpublished report. Agua y Energia
Electrica, Buenos Aires.
Anderson, M.G. and Bates, P.D. (2001) Hydrology sci-
ence: model credibility and scientific integrity. In:
Anderson, M.G.and Bates, P.D. (eds) Model Valida-
tion: Perspectives inHydrological Science. JohnWiley
and Sons Ltd, Chichester, 1-9 512 p.
Aradas, R.D. (2001) Groundwater and surface water
interaction for integrated catchment planning. Unpub-
lished doctoral thesis, University of Nottingham.
Carter, V. (1984) Wetland hydrology in the United
States. In: Hydrology on Large Flatlands, Proceedings
of the Olavarr ´ a Simposium. Vol. II, April 1984.
UNESCO, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
CFI (1980) Estudio de la Zona Deprimida del Salado.
Estudios Geologicos, Vol. 3, Part B [Study of the R´o
Salado Plain zone]. Unpublished report. Consejo
Federal de Inversiones, Buenos Aires.
Chapman, T. (1984) Australian Approach to hydrology
of smooth plainlands. In: Hydrology on Large
Flatlands, Proceedings of the Olavarr´a Simposium.
Vol. II, April 1984. UNESCO, Buenos Aires,
Evans, E.P., Penning-Rowsell, E. and Hall, J.W. (2003)
Foresight Flood and Coastal Defence Project. Phase 1
Technical Report; Drivers, Scenarios and Work Plan.
Office of Science and Technology, England.
Fertonani,M.E. andPrendes,H. (1984) Hydrology in large
flat-lands, theoretical, conceptual andmethodological
aspects. In: Hydrology on Large Flatlands, Proceed-
ings of the Olavarr´a Simposium. Vol. II, April 1984.
UNESCO, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Fleming, G. (2002) Flood Risk Management. Thomas
Telford Ltd, London.
This work is largely based on the outcomes of R.D.
Aradas's PhD studies, which were performed un-
der the supervision of C.R. Thorne and N.G.
Wright, andwhichbenefitted fromintensive,mul-
tidisciplinary experience gained during execution
of Master Plan studies for the R´o Salado Basin. In
view of this, thanks are due to all the team mem-
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