Environmental Engineering Reference
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simple weir coupling arrangement and a more
sophisticated head-discharge coupling arrange-
ment. Details of the tasks completed at Cowes
are listed in Table 13.2.
. post-process modelling results to compare out-
puts and assess costs and benefits of alternative
. develop options;
. post-process options modelling results to com-
pare outputs and assess costs and benefits of al-
ternative approaches;
. compare the outputs of the techniques and com-
pare the costs and benefits of
Full details of the methodology and results of each
individual study are presented in individual re-
ports made by each contractor to UKWIR
(UKWIR 2009a, 2009b, 2009c) with a summary
report UKWIR (2009d). In this chapter, the outputs
of the studies have been summarized, with a view
to providing guidance on the application of the
different types of models to improve practitioners'
understanding of the requirements to accurately
model urban flood risk.
the different
to report the findings of the study.
Demonstration project 3: scope
of project at Cowes
The objectives for this case study were twofold.
Firstly to apply and evaluate the new2Dmodelling
module available in Infoworks in a known catch-
ment that had already been modelled using a 1D-
1D approach; and secondly to use the same catch-
ment to evaluate and further develop the SIPSON/
UIM model. The Infoworks modelling was ex-
panded to consider and evaluate two different
approaches to coupling the subsurface (1D) system
and the surface (2D) pathways. These used a
Summary findings
The demonstration projects highlighted the need
for careful preparation of digital elevation models
prior to their use in surface modelling. The study
was able to satisfy the objective to apply and
Table 13.2
Phase 3 tasks
Infoworks 2D modelling (by Richard Allitt Associates)
SIPSON/UIM modelling (by University of Exeter)
Outline of SIPSON/UIM model
Adapt the `Integrated' model from Phase 1
Import of sewer system data from Infoworks to 3DNet
Import of surface runoff hydrographs and base ows generated by
DTM and 2D model resolutions
Review of similarities and differences between Infoworks 2D and
SIPSON/UIM data structures and simulation engines
Initial and boundary conditions for all simulations
Pluvial modelling (without buildings)
Pluvial modelling without sewers (without buildings)
Pluvial modelling (with buildings)
Pluvial modelling without sewers (with buildings)
Pluvial modelling (with buildings and sewers)
Pluvial modelling (with buildings and sewers)
Site surveys
Break lines and porous walls
Creating the simulation mesh
Model with 1D/2D coupling as weirs
1D/2D coupling scheme adopted in this study
Model with 1D/2D coupling as head-discharge relationships
Coupled 1D/2D modelling
Export of hydrographs
Presentation of results
Presentation of results
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