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Fig. 1.1  DnaK structure and folding cycle. a Model for the Hsp70 folding cycle. The DnaKᄋATP
complex has weak substrate affinity. ATP binding to the NBD (  blue ) stabilizes a compact domain
arrangement, which leaves the SBD (  yellow and green ) in an open conformation. This conforma-
tion exhibits dynamic interactions with the substrate (indicated in brown ). ATP hydrolysis stimu-
lated by DnaJ (  1 ) causes a conformational change in the NBD that triggers formation of the closed
SBD conformation, which has higher affinity for the substrate, resulting in a stable substrate com-
plex. The binding of the NEF GrpE (  2 ) promotes a slight opening of the NBD, which results in the
release of ADP from DnaK. The cycle is reset (  3 ) when a new ATP molecule binds to the NBD,
triggering the release of NEF and substrate. b Crystal structure of the DnaKᄋATP complex. The
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