HTML and CSS Reference
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rect( top , right , bottom , left ) | auto
Initial value:
Applies to:
Absolutely positioned elements (in CSS2, clip applied to block-level and replaced elements)
Computed value:
For a rectangle, a set of four computed lengths representing the edges of the clipping rect-
angle; otherwise, same as declared value
Defines a clipping rectangle inside of which the content of an absolutely positioned element
is visible. Content outside the clipping area is treated according to the value of overflow . The
clipping area can be smaller or larger than the content area of the element, the latter being ac-
complished with negative length values.
In current browsers, the clipping area is defined by using the rect() value to define the offsets
of the top, right, bottom, and left edges of the clipping areas with respect to the top-left corner
of the element. Thus, the value rect(5px, 10px, 40px, 5px) would place the top edge of
the clipping area 5px down from the top edge of the element, the right edge of the clipping
area 10 pixels to the right of the left edge of the element, the bottom edge of the clipping area
40 pixels down from the top edge of the element, and the left edge of the clipping area 5 pixels
to the right of the left edge of the element.
div.sidebar {overflow: scroll; clip: 0 0 5em 10em;}
img.tiny {overflow: hidden; clip: 5px 5px 20px 20px;}
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