HTML and CSS Reference
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<bg-position> [ , <bg-position> ]*
[ [ top | bottom ] | [ <percentage> | <length> | left | center | right ] [ <percentage> |
<length> | top | center | bottom ]? | [ center | [ left | right ] [ <percentage> | <length> ]?
] && [ center | [ top | bottom ] [ <percentage> | <length> ]? ] ]
Initial value:
0% 0%
Applies to:
All elements
Refer to the corresponding point on both the element and the origin image
Computed value:
The absolute length offsets if <length> is declared; otherwise, percentage values
Defines the position(s) of one or more backgrounds' origin images (as defined by
background-image ); this is the point from which any background repetition or tiling will oc-
cur. Percentage values define not only a point within the element, but also the same point in
the origin image itself, thus allowing (for example) an image to be centered by declaring its
position to be 50% 50% . When percentage or length values are used, the first is always the ho-
rizontal position, and the second the vertical. If only one value is given, it sets the horizontal
position, while the missing value is assumed to be either center or 50% . Negative values are
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