Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 4-1 lists the different persistence.xml or EntityManagerFactory properties that are used to configure
schema generation. These properties are passed as a Map argument from the container to the PersistenceProvider
generateSchema method, or the createContainerEntityManagerFactory method. Each of the properties resides
within the javax.persistence package, and therefore, should be prefixed with javax.persistence .
Table 4-1. Schema Generation Properties
schema-generation.create-script-source Name of script that is packaged as part of application, or a string
corresponding to file URL string that designates a script.
schema-generation.drop-script-source Name of script that is packaged as part of application, or a string
corresponding to file URL string that designates a script
sql-load-script-source Name of script that is packaged as part of application, or a string
corresponding to file URL string that designates a script
schema-generation.database.action Controls action to be taken by persistence provider with regard to
database access
Values : “none,” “create,” “drop-and-create,” “drop”
schema-generation.scripts.action Controls action to be taken by persistence provider with regard to script
Values : “none,” “create,” “drop-and-create,” “drop”
schema-generation.create-source Specifies whether the creation of database artifacts should occur on the
basis of the ORM metadata, DDL script, or both
Values : “metadata,” “script,” “metadata-then-script,” “script-then-metadata”
schema-generation.drop-source Specifies whether the dropping of database artifacts should occur on
the basis of ORM metadata, DDL script, or both
Values : “metadata,” “script,” “metadata-then-script,” “script-then-metadata”
schema-generation.scripts.create-target When generating scripts, these properties specify the
the target locations in String format.
The schema generation is controlled by utilization of the properties that are listed in Table 4-1 within the
persistence.xml . The following example of persistence.xml demonstrates how to have database artifacts and
scripts generated for creation of both.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0" xmlns=" " xmlns:xsi=" " xsi:schemaLocation="
persistence ">
<persistence-unit name="IntroToJavaEE7PU" transaction-type="JTA">
<property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action" value="create"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action" value="create"/>
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