Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 3-2. ( continued )
join Iterates over the source elements, and for each element (referred to as outer element ),
the outerKeySelector function is evaluated to a value (referred to as key1 ). For each
non-null key1 , innerKeySequence is iterated, and for each element (referred to as inner
element ), the innerKeySelector function is evaluated to a value (referred to as key2 ).
The value key1 is compared with key2 , and if equal, the resultKeySelector function is
evaluated (with the outer element and the inner element as its arguments), and the result
is yielded.
A comparator can be used for the comparison key1 to key2 .
Example: employees.join(positions, e->e.positionId, p->p.positionId,
(e, p) -> [e.first, e.last, p.position])
groupJoin Iterates over the source elements, and for each element (referred to as outer element ),
the outerKeySelector function is evaluated to a value (referred to as key1 ). If key1 is
non-null, innerSequence is iterated, and for each element (referred to as inner element ),
the innerKeySelector function is evaluated to a value (referred to as key2 ). The inner
elements whose key2 equals key1 are collected in a list. The resultSelector function
is then evaluated, with the outer element and the list (can possibly be empty) as its
arguments, and the result is yielded.
A comparator can be used for the comparison of key1 and key2 . The operator preserves
the order of the outer elements, and for each outer element, the order of the matching
inner elements is preserved.
Example: ->
[e.first, e.last, e.yearsOfService.sum(y->y.years)])
concat Iterates over the source elements, yields each element in the collection, and then iterates
over the second collection, yielding each element in the collection.
Example: employees.concat(positions)
orderBy , thenBy , orderByDescending , thenByDescending
These operators can be used together to order a collection via multiple keys.
A composition of the operators has the form
source.orderBy(...).thenBy(...).thenBy(...) ...
where orderBy(...) is an invocation of orderBy or orderByDescending and each
thenBy(...) , if any, is an invocation of thenBy or thenByDescending . The primary
ordering is established by the initial orderBy or orderByDescending , the first thenBy
or thenByDescending establishes the secondary ordering, the second thenBy or
thenByDescending establishes the tertiary ordering, and so on.
Example: employees.orderBy(p->p.position)
Iterates over the source elements, collecting all elements in a list. Each element in the
resulting list is then yielded in reverse order.
Example: employees.reverse()
( continued )
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